877-553-1072 RotarySVC@gmail.com


A courtesy visual inspection with preliminary budgetary estimate report is offered at no cost to the customer. While a more extensive report identifies predictive and preventative maintenance potential of critical components within the unit.  The detailed report identifies potential catastrophic failure within the vessel. Especially relevant, associated drive components. And finally, the vessel support structure of trunnions, shafts bases etc. not readily apparent through visual inspection of the unit.

RSC provides ovality analysis in units that see extreme heat such as kilns and calciners. The RSC procedure for ovality analysis is a tried and true procedure.  As a result RSC depends upon precision optical measuring devices to accurately depict deflection in the shell over the entire length of the vessel. RSC identifies issues with the vessel. If necessary, internal measurements can be accomplished to validate sagging or distorted refractory within the vessel.

Finally, our written evaluations start the ball rolling to allocate funds for your equipment repairs. Most of all, maintenance and repair activities justified well in advance of actual work performed. Because we help you convince management the work is necessary and is a cost effective solution for your organization.  See a sample plant evaluation on our (Downloadspage.