High Temp Seal Repair & Installation

Bellows Style Seal

Kevlar Belt Seal System
Rotary Service Company provides High Temp Seal Repair Installation to assist with your company’s rotary kiln and dryer repair. Our Kevlar Seal System provides excellent seal from air infiltration on a negative atmosphere vessel. Additionally, we provide stainless steel “fishplate” designs for material retention, bellow style seals for special applications and others as required for trunnion mounted rotary vessels. Moreover our engineering department will design seals specific to your needs. Go to our (Engineering) page for more information on specific design criteria for your next seal repair & installation. RSC solves your seal issues for trunnion mounted rotary equipment.
As a result RSC is always open, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week all year long. Finally RSC meets the needs of our client’s scheduled or emergency maintenance shutdown on their rotary equipment.
Our Company safety record is impeccable. Additionally support your requirements for professionalism and safe working conditions on the plant site. Finally RSC has vast O.E.M. experience without the price of O.E.M. markups or overhead. Visit the (Downloads) section of this site to contact “recent customers” and find out RSC’s reputation from the maintenance manager’s view.
RSC guarantees its parts and field maintenance services with a one year warranty.